How to Understand Cellphone Radiation & Cancer Risk


How to Understand Cellphone Radiation and Cancer Risk. Alarmed by news reports that

cellphones could possibly cause brain tumors? Here's what we know so far. You will need

Facts and precautions. Step 1. Know what "cellphone radiation" is. Cellphones emit radiofrequency

energy, a form of non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation, the kind produced by X-ray

machines, has been linked to cancer; nonionizing radiation has not. Step 2. Understand the

classification of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which evaluates environmental

and lifestyle factors for possible links to cancer. The I.A.R.C. classifies cellphones

as a "possible" carcinogen, meaning it's not certain whether they pose a cancer risk. The

International Agency for Research on Cancer also lists coffee and pickled vegetables as

possible carcinogens. Step 3. Understand why the I.A.R.C. classification is confusing.

Some studies into possible links between cellphones and cancer have found a higher risk of brain

tumors, while others have found a lower risk. Some scientists point out that cellphones

have been in use for years with no subsequent increase in brain tumors; others say there

hasn't been enough time to determine the effect on younger generations who began using cellphones

in childhood. Step 4. Play it safe by reducing your exposure to cellphone radiation. Use

speakerphone or a wired earpiece -- a ferrite bead will lower your exposure even further.

Also limit the time you're on your cellphone while walking and when you have a weak signal;

cellphones emit more radiation when they're in motion or far away from a cell tower. Avoid

wireless earpieces, which emit radiation right at your ear, albeit at lower levels. Step

5. Stay tuned to new research -- the jury is still out on cellphone radiation and cancer

risk. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to talk less on your cellphone and send text

messages whenever possible. Did you know 85 percent of Americans 18 and older own a cellphone.