/æ/ Pronunciation English Meeting ESL Lesson


Okay the sound is haaaa don't be shy

In the mail, in the mail, in the mail


Now you think you're afraid haaa

Enjoy it.

And action!

Okay sound is aa

Look at my mouth its open wide aaaa.

Don't be shy!

Remember you have to exaggerate tell your brain something new to get this right.

Case of the worry is fat.

Fat not fought (past tense of fight)

If you said fought people think you're gonna say phat or the pack.

They're going to be confused.

Don't confuse people!

AAA, just open your mouth.

It's like you are afraid AAA.

OK enjoy it.

Next word is dad.

Dad mot dead

Same types a pain just need to open your mouth AAA.

Don't say ded, this is my ded nooo

People will be confused. Its dad, remember the process!

Process is exaggerated when you practice it tells your brain it something new is going on.

In any comes naturally. Good luck!

Okay let's try the sound aaa with some words where the sound occurs at the beginning of the word.

Okay so, after.

Scanner follow when moving my mouth and try to copy the way I'm saying it

After, after, animal.

So after is not if the after, after

Noo, aaaafter

Ask. I would like to ask you something.

Can I ask you something?

Not ISC hmmm, and then we have am.

I am feeling good. Not im, am okay.

Let's try some have the aaa sound in the middle of the word.

So the first word is fat not fit

Then back not bek

Last not lost

And then have. I'll have some more not hev

Just nice big long sound and of course open the mouth.

This is good you know exaggerate, enjoy it, stretcher your mouth it's good exercise by by.

Okay let's try some sentences

At last I have a chance again.

I can't stand that class.

I'll be back.

I have to cram for my exam.

I need cash.

Please, send me some fast.

That's true really I do need cash okay.

Remember to open your mouth wide when you practice aaaa

Do in front of a mirror; use a small mirror if you can sometimes.

This is about training your brain a braking habit, meaning stopping habits and making new ones.

Take your time with it and make it fun for yourself.

Otherwise you might give up.

Thanks for watching. I'm Dave Sconda EnglishMeering.com

I'll see ya next time.

That's redaction you know.

See ya instead of see you.

Fascinating isn't it, do you think it's fascinating?

You not saying anything I can hear you.