IELTS: Stuck in Speaking?


Hey everyone! welcome back to my channel! This is Dori I am a teacher of

English and today I want to show you what you can do when you get

stuck in speaking! So I'm sure that sometimes when you talk in English about a certain

topic you get stuck every now and then

and you do not have anything else to say. The worst part

is that sometimes you introduce

that you have something else to say and then

you just stand there awkwardly mumbling something using

pauses, maybe smiling a little bit

but no other thought comes into your mind

in these moments you really want the examiner to move on to the next


or better yet to pretend it never happened

does this sound familiar? Well it doesn't have to be that way

Try to think in English as much as possible

and not in your mother language. Obviously, in

your mother language you have the highest level possible

you know all the vocabulary you need, all the words you need in order to talk about

a certain topic all the ideas in the world and opinions come easily

in your mother language however if you try to translate

these thoughts and ideas into English

from your mother tongue, you're in

for an epic fail! Why? Well, first of all

it is quite difficult to translate on the spot

in such a short notice from your mother tongue to

English even experienced users have a problem with that

and also in the exam during the exam you're going to be


so this is going to be a little bit hard for you to accomplish

also most probably the vocabulary of your mother language

is not as advanced as the vocabulary you know

in English and even if it is, the different

syntax while you try to translate your ideas

on the spot may confuse you. This is the number one reason

people get stuck in speaking they think

in their mother language and they try to translate that in

English so please don't do that! In my opinion

it is better to think in English at all costs

you may be simple but at least you're going to be fluent

and this is what we're aiming for! and now

probably you're going to ask me how do I think

in English? well this is not a thing that happens from one day to the next

this is not an overnight success this is not something that

it works magically; it needs everyday practice what you can do

we have millions of thoughts every day try to think

in English with simple phrasing for example instead of thinking I have to go

to work in

your mother language or I have to study; do that in English

with simple phrasing and gradually

you will be able to do that with more complex phrasing than that

Speak as you write!

What do I mean by that? one thing that will greatly

help you while you try to give an answer in English

is to keep your thoughts organized so do you remember what we do

writing? we write our introduction

we then have our main body with our ideas by giving

reasons and examples and then we have a conclusion

where we wrap up the main points of our essay

so this is exactly what you can do with speaking in less words of

course you need an opening phrase just to introduce

your answer then you give your main answer

defending that by giving reasons and examples

then a very short closing sentence

that will help you

sound natural and will help you avoid pauses

and awkward moments that you do not know what else to say

or should you move on talking and stuff like that

So, let's see how you can do that and with practice you are not going to get stuck again!

so let's just say that they ask you

this question

okay when you're asked

questions like that especially in part 3

you should notice that these questions could be writing topics too so

my advice is not to answer right away by expressing your view

firstly use one or two general

sentences to introduce a general statement

based on the main theme of the question

this will help you greatly to earn sometime

in order to organize your thoughts for example

as you can see above you don't really

answer the question- not just yet- you just give a hint

talking about what most people would generally prefer in this case

and where you stand this is all you need

to grab the examiners attention this is your introduction

(in terms of writing let's just say) and now it's time to actually

start answering

your question so let's see what you can do

why? now is the time to explain your reasons

for that by giving examples so don't get lost with that

keep this organization in your mind choose 2

or three reasons the most and focus on them move on

to your next point only when you complete the previous one

so let's go and read an example answer

this is your first point, the first point you make

you give another reason why

based on your main point okay

you want to say something else

so of course you can say more than that if you like or even

different things but I'm just giving an example that uses linking phrases

furthermore, on the contrary, reasons

and examples so if you said everything you had to say here

and mind you you don't have to say a lot of things

as long as your answer is organized

so now it is time to wrap it up this is the number one point

that people get stuck they don't know what else to say

or they don't know if they have said enough in their previous

answer or simply they just don't know how to finish off their thoughts

so in any case the only thing you need

is the right phrase there are number of phrases that can help you conclude

let's read some of them

if they ask you your opinion about something that needs to be done

okay I'm sure you can find more by

yourself if you think about it a little bit more

but the above phrases can help you get started according to each question so

here we go

in this particular case

try to practice your speaking answers this way and try to use


standard phrases I shared with you as much as you can and I'm sure that

gradually you're not going to get stuck in speaking

ever again!