Although- However- Despite: How to use them correctly!


Hey everyone! Welcome back to my channel this is Dori, I am a teacher of English and today

I'd like to talk to you about some very important linking phrases that you use in your writings and if

you don't use them you should because they are really very good linking phrases so most students get confused

with these phrases either in relation to their meaning or to their syntax but

today I'm going to clarify the differences with very simple examples

So, these phrases are although, despite, in spite of, and however. Let's

clarify one thing first things first these phrases have exactly the same meaning they are synonyms

they all mean "even though"

or if you prepare a simpler translation they mean "but" however they do have

different syntax and this is what we're going to see today

together with these examples ok these are very useful phrases to use so

let's go and see their differences with very simple examples in order for you to

understand them and remember them so let's start with however If you use however

remember that you're about to say something different from what you

previously stated and always remember to use a comma afterwards punctuation in

writing is very very important so for example we have. Now

you're going to say something different from that that's why you start with

however and a comma immediately afterwards

you may also use however between 2 commas without starting a new

sentence so for example we have

that's it! Just remember to use a comma immediately after now let's move on

to although it means exactly the same thing but it has different

syntax as we said although doesn't need a comma immediately after but only at the

end of the sentence so

let's see we start the sentence and now we use a comma

so can you see the difference with however?

Although starts the sentence and the comma is at the end of it, at the end

of the first sentence you will never never never use a comma immediately

after although this is a very important punctuation mistake ok so you will never

do that now let's move onto despite and in spite of they mean the same thing and they have

the same syntax that I will now show you so what's the difference

are you would ask me the difference is that in spite of always needs the

prepositions "in" and "of" whereas despite needs nothing as we can see it's

by itself, just despite so let's look at the examples of their syntactical use

and you will understand these better so this is

one way of using that

reach the top shelf or you can also use gerund afterwards if you

don't want to use "the fact that" so if

you want to use in spite of instead since they are used in the same way in

terms of syntax we will have

OR with gerund afterwards

So there you go this is how you can use these linking phrases without making any mistakes! Start using them

in your writings today!