11 Secrets to Memorize Things Quicker Than Others


Eleven secrets to memorize things quicker than others

Have you seen the movie limitless i don't know i forget

if you have you probably remember the main character who found a special pill that allowed him to recall all

experience and knowledge and use it whenever he needed to

if only this were true we learn things throughout our entire lives but we don't know everything

because, we forget a lot of information why does this happen how could we remember things much better

well bright side will tell you about some simple memorizing tips and a universal formula that will retrieve any

information from your memory when you need it

For starters let's talk about why we forget things your brain is like a hard drive the space is limited

remember sherlock holmes he couldn't name all the planets of the solar system this was not because he missed school or something like that

But because, he was too smart, to have such irrelevant information in his memory he deliberately erased facts he would never need

this is what your brain does it protects you from

Overloading with information that's why all new data is stored in the short-term memory not the long one

So if you don't repeat it or use it you forget it very quickly


german psychologist

hermann ebbinghaus researched the memory and its mechanisms he described the forgetting curve

which shows that just one hour after learning something new we forget more than half of the learned information i'm sorry what was that

anyway one day later we remember only about 30%

well you can see where this is going

So how to remember everything

there is a memorization technique called spaced repetition

To keep some information in your head for a longer time you need to try to put it into your long-term memory

forced memorization is not very effective in this case because your brain can't make sense of the information quickly and form strong associations

Here it all depends on the reason why you are learning something

how, to memorize something quickly the first situation is when you need to learn the information quickly use it once and forget most of it

This looks like a typical exam preparation right if you've been in a situation where you had only one night to prepare for an exam

get this video alike

To memorize something quickly repeat the information right after learning it the second repetition should be after 15 to 20 minutes

You don't need to return to the information between repetitions

just, rest and do something different let your brain relax

Repeat the learn material the third time after 6 to 8 hours and you should have the final

repetition 24 hours after the first contact with the information

Try this method next time you need to memorize something quickly and tell us how it worked in the comment section don't forget okay

Now, how to memorize something for a long time if you want to remember things for a long time you need to extend the memorization

period here's the memorization plan the first repetition should be right after learning just like in the previous technique

Repeat the material after 20 to 30 minutes and here things are different the third repetition should be only after one day

The next one after two to three weeks and the final round is after two to three months

this way you can learn something for a very long time

Because the brain thinks that if you return to the information it means that it's necessary so it doesn't get erased now

here are eleven simple tips that will help you memorize things easier and faster

counting down from number eleven try to understand what you learn you

probably know the feeling when you're learning something but you don't understand the information

Usually such learning turns into a nightmare because it looks like learning a poem that has no arai

Another bad thing about learning something you don't understand is that if you forget some part of it you will not be able to continue

Because you have only memorized the order of words not their actual meaning that's why we don't recommend doing it this way

What you should do is read the entire piece of information and figure out what the main point or points are

try to retell what you have read using your own words

Do it as simply as you can if you are successful that means you understood the information and now it will be way easier

To memorize the details

number 10 learn the most necessary information

if you feel like you have too much on your plate set your priorities correctly

decide what you have to know and what you can do without just fine after that

Focus on the key parts of what you need to memorize if you find some time to devote, to the less important information great

number nine serial position effect no this is not when you position your cheerios on the right side

with learning something new remember this things that are at the beginning and the end are memorized the best

use this, effect to your advantage sort the information so that the key parts are at the beginning and at the end

number eight interference theory

Switch your attention from one topic to another from one activity to another

For example you're preparing for a public talk you've learned the text for 15 minutes it's time to take a break

rest every 15 to 20 minutes because this is the period when attention is at its best and people usually stop being attentive

So the best thing you can do is switch to something completely different like playing the guitar or watching a brightside video

another thing you should be careful with is learning some similar information

interference theory suggests that similar memories get mixed and become a mess that's why if you know you're about to learn something that at least

remotely resembles what you've already learned we recommend taking a long break before starting something new

number seven learn opposite things

opposites are easily memorized in pairs for example if you're learning a new language

memorized day and night together this way you will build a connection between these two things in your mind

So if you forget one of them the second one will help you recall

number six build your own mind palace and

This is about sherlock holmes again do you remember how he could travel in his mind palace for hours looking for the necessary information

Could ask me to get my mind palace the idea is to associate certain things with a certain place

For example if you are in your room try to connect the thing you are learning to something in your room

repeat it a few times after that

To recall what the room looks like in your memory and repeat the things you learned this way or try this

divided all the material you need to memorize into a few parts

learn these parts in different parts of your apartment or better in different places in your city


way the memorized information won't be something dull or boring it will be associated with some other memories

smells of places people you saw there and so on

number five use nail words

The point of this technique is to nail one learned thing to another for example if you need to memorize the french for nail

you should also look up wall hammer and other words you can logically connect to nail

number four make up stories

If you need to memorize a lot of information in a particular order try to put the pieces into a story

It's important that the pieces are connected to each other with some kind of plot so if you

Accidentally forget something you can always recall what was supposed to happen next in the story

yes, this might seem like you need even more effort but it's true believe us it works wonders

number three use a tape recorder actually does anybody use a tape recorder anymore

Well record the information somehow you are learning and listen to the recording a few times

Yes it might take you some time to get used to the sound of your voice

Like i had to do it might seem strange or unpleasant in the beginning

this method is handy because it allows all types of memory work

First you read the information so you saw it with your eyes and then you heard it with your ears

The more contact you have with what you are learning the better you memorize it

number two visualize

use your body language when learning this will help you trigger your muscle memory and

number one choose only the best materials

don't use outdated books and methods of learning things have changed a lot since the books were written

Don't waste your time on something that may turn out, to be wrong go online and check the most recent information on the subject

Do you know any other memorizing tips if yes share them in the comment section below

like this video and send it to your friends and of course don't forget

how can you forget anything after watching this video

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