12 Simple Tips to Make You Feel Good Today


Have you ever tried whitening your teeth with strawberries? Yeah me neither. And what if

I told you grape juice can heal your migraine? As crazy as it all sounds, those are just

a few examples of effortless natural life hacks to treat your body right and give yourself

the love you deserve. So let’s get started. Counting down from Number:

12. Try grape juice to heal your migraines.

Do you know what causes migraines? It’s mostly an imbalance in brain chemicals like

serotonin, and that’s why grape juice can come in and save the day. It doesn’t act

as a painkiller, but as prevention. So the minute you feel a migraine coming on, drink

some grape juice to prevent it. Grapes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin

B2. Vitamin B2, otherwise known as riboflavin, helps to balance out the chemicals in your

brain and to reduce the iron levels in your blood, which might be causing migraines. This

was proven in a 2004 study by neurologists from Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.

11. Eat salmon to help your hair grow shiny and healthy.

You can buy the most expensive hair products and still see no improvement in its condition.

In fact, it’s not just what you put on your hair, but also what you eat. Make salmon your

new best friend! It’s rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential

to keep your hair and scalp hydrated. Omega-3 also helps to keep hair follicles clean and

healthy. Since omega-3 is really a protein, a lack of it prevents the normal pace of hair

growth. So the more salmon you eat, the healthier you and your hair will be. In 2015, Dr. Glynis

Ablon, founder of the Ablon Skin Institute in Manhattan Beach, CA, proved that in her

study. In addition, due to its moisturizing effects,

omega-3 reduces inflammation, helps treat dandruff, and reduces dryness which all contribute

to hair breakage.

10. You can shed extra pounds by drinking lemon + salt water.

Lemon and salt are the 2 magic ingredients that help flush out toxins from your body

and help shed extra pounds pretty fast. In 2016,

Dr. Simon N. Thornton, of the University of Lorraine in France, described exactly how

it works in a study. Increased hydration increases your bowel movements and decreases your appetite,

thus eliminating excess calorie intake. According to the National Institute of Health, lemon

and salt water can also speed up your metabolism by increasing the mitochondrial function.

It helps to generate more energy in the body without needing any calories to do so and

make you burn calories faster.

9. Whiten your nails using toothpaste.

If your nails are looking a little yellow and you want to naturally whiten them, toothpaste

is the answer. Your toothpaste whitens and protects your teeth, and it’s capable of

doing the same for your nails, since theyre both keratin based. Simply take a clean toothbrush,

apply some toothpaste on the tip of it, and start to lightly scrub your nails with it.

Let it sit there for a minute, wash your hands as usual, and voilá!

8. Stimulate hair growth by creating your own hair growth serum.

Diet is key when it comes to faster and healthier hair growth, but if you want to go a step

further, you can create your own hair growth serum. The first ingredient youll need

is castor oil. It contains important nutrients like vitamin E to moisturize, omega-9, and

omega-6 fatty acids, as well as minerals that will penetrate your scalp. The second ingredient

is avocado oil which is rich in vitamins and minerals that help nourish your hair and protect

it from breaking. The final ingredient is coconut oil, which is considered the king

of all oils for many reasons. It’s the only oil that you can apply on your hair to prevent

protein loss. Since it’s also rich in omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids, it also

protects the hair shaft from environmental and sun damage. Mix all the oils in equal

parts, apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, and massage it in for 10 to 15 minutes.

Let it sit there for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Shower and then apply some oil to the ends

of your hair while it’s still wet. Repeat this 3 times a week.

7. Eat your breakfast within the first 30 minutes after you wake up.

Right after youve opened your eyes in the morning and had your lemon and salt water,

it’s important to have your breakfast within half an hour. Even when you don’t feel hungry,

missing your breakfast is a huge mistake, especially when youre trying to lose or

maintain weight. According to the National Weight Control Registry, more than 70% of

people who were on a successful diet ate breakfast within half an hour after waking up. This

is because your metabolism is relatively slow when you sleep, and it takes an hour for it

to start working at a normal pace. So, eating breakfast before your metabolism is completely

awake will make you feel fuller longer, and will prevent you from eating a heavier breakfast

or a bigger meal later in the day.

6. Drink hydrolyzed collagen instead of applying it to your skin.

If youre concerned with aging skin already, you must have a whole collection of moisturizers,

masks, and serums that are rich in collagen. The thing is, collagen, or even hydrolyzed

collagen, can’t penetrate the skin to the point where it would bind with other proteins

and improve your overall appearance. So the best way to combat aging is to take supplements.

According to a 2013 research by German and Brazilian dermatologists, taking hydrolyzed

collagen can slow down aging by 27%, improve bone health, boost muscle mass, prevent bone

loss and osteoporosis, and relieve joint pain.

5. Detox your skin with a charcoal bath bomb. Really/ Yeah!

Something as simple-looking as activated charcoal can whiten your teeth, treat acne and pull

the unwanted excess oils from your skin. It’s really simple: toxins just stick to the activated

charcoal! So mix 1 tablespoon of food-grade activated charcoal, 3/4 cup baking soda and

1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons citric acid in a large glass bowl. Melt 3 tablespoons coconut oil

and mix it with the dry ingredients, as well. You can also add a few drops of some essential

oil if you want. Get a mold the shape of your future bath bomb, fill one side of it and

then the second one forming a small dome on top. Press them together and seal them. Take

the bomb out and let it dry for 24 hours. Then it’s ready!

4. Use salt to reduce razor bumps.

In case youre looking for an almost free remedy for ingrown hairs, here’s one! Salt

increases blood circulation, reduces swelling and heals skin irritation, so it can help

if youve had a bad razor experience. Mix 2 tablespoons of salt with one cup warm water

and stir to dissolve. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture, then apply gently on

ingrown hairs. Let it dry. Do it as many times as needed to get rid of them. You can also

use it as an exfoliator to prevent ingrown hairs from appearing. If you have sensitive

skin, you might do better with a sugar scrub.

3. Whiten your teeth using fruit.

Who would say no to a Hollywood smile? The good news is fruits and vegetables that are

rich in anti-oxidants can work wonders when it comes to removing yellow stains from your

teeth. Strawberries can help whiten your teeth and

remove both coffee and wine stains. Apples act as natural stain removers because

they help produce more saliva in your mouth and serve as aself-cleaningagent.

Oranges or any kind of tart fruit help to neutralize the acidity of your mouth that

causes tooth decay.

2. Drink more coffee for a healthy gallbladder.

Even though coffee might be associated with an unhealthy diet, it’s actually good for

you in its purest form. It’s basically bean juice made with hot water, and has a lot of

health benefits! One of coffee’s most important benefits is that it promotes a healthy gallbladder.

According to a study published by Dr Michael Leitzmann and colleagues at the Harvard School

of Public Health in 1999, the caffeine in coffee activates contractions in the gallbladder.

Increased gallbladder contractions can prevent minor crystals in the gallbladder from becoming

large stones.

1. Clean your phone screen to prevent breakouts.

You heard it rightthere’s a connection between the cleanliness of your phone screen

and the condition of your facial skin. If you don’t clean your phone with antibacterial

wipes regularly, it carries so much bacteria you wouldn’t even imagine. And whenever

you hold your phone to your cheek, those creatures get transferred over. So wipe it down, avoid

too much pressure or use headphones to avoid direct contact with the screen, recommends

New York-based dermatologist Debra Jaliman, M.D.

Do you feel like trying out any of these life hacks? Which one sounds like the best to you?

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