Past Simple and Past Perfect - Tenses in English


Hi there. It's grammar fun time with Ronnie again. Hey grammar today

we're going to be learning about how to use the simple past which is regular Edie verbs or

Irregular verbs and

the past perfect

We're going to use it to talk about our or your daily routine. So what you do every day, okay?

past perfect is

Had plus Pp. Or the past participle the past participle is the third tense of the verb?

The easiest way for me to explain this to you is

The earliest action or the first action that you do in the morning for example

You're going to choose past perfect

Then the next action you do after that you're going to use simple past

so first of all earliest action pass perfect

The second action that you do is going to be simple past. I will help you out with some examples, so

For example, I sometimes wake up at 8 o'clock

Usually when we speak English when we talk about our daily routine we use


English we say I wake up. I eat breakfast

But when you want to talk about in the past you have to use past perfect and simple past so 8 o'clock I wake up

8:15 I eat breakfast so the earliest or the first action that I do in the morning is

I wake up and then no no no I

Eat breakfast I usually have oatmeal for breakfast with yogurt. What do you eat for breakfast?

then after work

Maybe about 5:15. I have a bath I like to be clean and

at 5:30 after my bath my 15-minute bath I

Watch TV. So

What we're going to do to change this into simple past and past perfect is my very first action

we're going to put into

The past perfect tense my second action. I'm going

to use simple past

So let's work this out together. Oh

Yeah, I'm awake. Yay

Let's do this

The very very first action that I did we're gonna use past perfect, so wake up

Does anyone know the past participle of wake?

It's very strange a lot of people get it wrong. It's actually

Woken now when we use simple pass and pass perfect together in a sentence

We usually have the word after

To help us with the time period So we're going to use the word after in both of our sentences

and we're Gonna Say after I

I'm Gonna use my past perfect had wake woken

Up, so this is my very first action that I did the earliest action is I woke up

after I woke up I

Ate breakfast so the simple past of eat is eight like the number

so after I had woken up I



so if you look at this sentence, I

Have after and then I have my past

perfect, and then I have my

Breakfast so the very first thing that I did was I woke up

And then I ate breakfast which makes sense because you can't eat breakfast while you're sleeping

Can you maybe in your dreams?

Let's have a look at the other one the other example so at

5:15 I

Have a bath and at 5:30. I watch TV

The very very first of the earliest action that I did

Was I had a bath so the first action again. I need to put in to past perfect

The second action I did was I watched TV. So let's see the sentence together

Ok so again. We're going to use after to begin the sentence

So I'm going to say after I

I need my subject and

I'm Gonna use past perfect

Had now, what is the past perfect? What's the past participle of have?

Huh, it's had

But you have to say had-had

Yes, I know. It's really really strange

like most English, but you actually have to say after I had had a


It's the exact same as this sentence after I

had woken up

then we need the subject we have to put in I

I forgot the I I

ate breakfast so again we need this subject after the comma so I

the simple past tense of

Watch is watched. It is a sound at the end, but we spell it with an iDi

So after I had had a bath, I don't forget your subject like I did


TV, so

Automatically when we look at these sentences we know that the very very first thing that I did

Was I woke up because?

I'm using the past perfect then we know that I eat breakfast if you look at this sentence after

Work, I know I had a bath first

Because I'm using the past perfect, and then I know I watched TV after the bath because I'm using simple past

so what do you do when you come home from work, or come home from school try and write a

sentence using simple past and past

Perfect. That's all for now folks bye-bye
