Either | Neither | Both


Hi guys, I'm Arnel, and today we're going to look  at Either, Neither and Both.   

First things first. We're going to look at the pronunciation. There are  two different ways you can pronounce these words.


"neither" Both ways are perfectly correct. Is one more  

American, is one more British? Not really.I've  heard people use both, so you can choose.

I'm American and I personally use "either" and "neither". OkayI'm gonna begin with a general difference between  

EITHER NEITHER and BOTH, but don't worry I'll get more specific as the lesson continues.  

When we think of these words, we're always  thinking about the number 2. 2, 2, and 2.

EITHER - I have two choices, I can only pick one. NEITHER - I have two choices, I can pick  

0. BOTH - I have two choices, I can pick  2. Two of them. Which shirt do you want?

Either. Which shirt do you  want? Neither, no thank you.

Which shirt do you want? Both, I want both. Okay good.  

Keep this basic concept in mind  throughout the lesson. Let's keep going…  

EITHER..OR /NEITHER..NOR. These are set combinationsOkay, I need a new tablet. Let's do some shopping.


I can buy either the 7-inch  tablet or the 10-inch tablet.

Sold out? sold out? 'Sold out' means no more, all gone.

I can buy neither the 7-inch tablet nor  the 10-inch tablet. I think Tiffany is  

either French or Belgian. Actually she's  neither French nor Belgian. She's Canadian!

He can either pay in person or pay online. Sorry , he can neither pay in person nor pay online

You can see, I have my 'either orstructure, and my 'neither nor' structure.

adjective adjective, verb verb. When you use  'either or' 'neither nor' you really want to  

balance that grammar. Remember my first example? Noun plus noun - 7-inch tablet and 10-inch tablet .

You also don't want to have  a double negative. For example  

"He can't neither pay person nor pay online."  You definitely do not want to use that. Okay,  

'either or' is very common and very  natural, but in spoken English, 'neither nor'  

is not very common and is actually quite formalWe can say other things to express the negative

Okay. She's not French or Belgian. She's not French  and she's not Belgian either. He can't pay online  

or pay in person. Can we say  ..and he can't pay online neither

That would be a double negative. Let's keep  going and this time without 'or' and without 'nor'.

either plus singular noun  neither plus singular noun  

both plus plural noun. Teacher: Can we have  our next lesson on the 15th or the 16th?

Student: um, either day is okay with me. You pick

Neither day is possible for me. Could you do the  19th? either plus singular, neither plus singular.  

If the student wanted to booklesson on the 15th and the 16th

he or she could say something like: Could we  have a lesson on both days? both plus plural noun.

But there's one little exception. When we  use either with the noun 'side', we often mean  

BOTH. I have a river, a street  and seats on an airplane.  

There are cycle lanes on either side of the  river. This means both sides of the river

Houses were built on either side of  the street - both sides. I love this…  

The seats on either side of me were emptyYou can see here, 'either' side does mean  

both sides. Just keep that in mind okay. What  happens to these structures when we add OF

The grammar changes, of course it does! either  of, neither of , both of plus plural pronoun.

I'm waiting for William and  Louis. Has either of them called?

No, neither of them has called.  

um yeah, actually both of them have called  and they're going to be 20 minutes late.

Why am I using HAS? HAS either of them neither of  them HAS called. Why am I using a singular verb?  

Louis and William, that's two people. Either  of and neither of take a singular verb.  

Even though I'm speaking about two people, using  HAS is correct. But many native speakers do  

use a plural verb. Have either of them calledNeither of them have called. So, just so you know,  

don't be surprised if you hear a singular  or plural verb with either of and neither of.

Okay, so far we've looked at 'either or' 'neither  nor' 'either plus singular noun' 'neither plus  

singular noun' 'both plus plural noun' 'either ofneither of, both of plus pronoun'. Let's keep going.

Okay, we've already added OF to the structure. Let's  make it a little bit longer. Either neither of plus  

determiner plus plural noun. What's a determinerA determiner gives a noun a bit more information.  

With either neither, we often use the determiners  - my your his her it's our their these those the.  

Hey Arnel, I wrote two resumes. Can you  tell me which one you think is better?  

Sure. Wow these look great. You can use either of  your resumes. This one looks good, and that one  

looks good. Actually both of your resumes look goodEither of, both of plus determiner plus plural noun.

Hey Arnel, I wrote two resumes. Can you tell me  which one you think is better? Sure Oh okay…  

What? Did you use a pen? Let  me look at the other one.

What? Your email address, your email address is   

Big Bad Unicorn? Really? Neither of your resumes look  good. No! Neither of plus determiner plus plural noun.

Sometimes we like to be really lazy. We can use  'either neither and both' without anything.   

Hey Arnel! Do you want to watch a comedy or a drama? "either"


"Both". You guys are doing a really good job. I know there's a lot of informationbut there's one last thing we need to look at.  

We can use 'either and neither' to agree withnegative statement. What about positive statements?  

Today we're specifically focusing on either  and neither. Yes there are different ways you  

can agree with a positive statement, but  today I;m going to stick with either and  

neither. That means we're looking at negative  statements. I didn't sleep well last night.  

Neither did I. Neither, same auxiliary, same  auxiliary, same auxiliary plus subject. I didn't  

either. Both are fine, but 'Neither  did I.' is a little bit more formal.

I can't drive. Neither can I. Neithersame auxiliary, subject. I can't either.

You want to know what's really natural? Me  Neither. I didn't sleep well last night. Me neither.  

Me either. I can't drive. Me neither. Me either.

I know it's strange, but all of these  mean the same thing. And actually, 'Me  

either' is not correct grammar. I mean some  people really do not like 'Me either'. I mean -  

I didn't sleep well last night. Me either.

That was dramatic, but I just want you to know  that 'Me either' is very common in spoken English,  

especially American spoken English, but it's not  correct. You'll definitely hear it. Arnel, I don't  

want this video to end. Neither do I / I don't either / Me neither / Me either. But if you subscribe to my  

channel and turn on those notifications you won't  ever miss a lesson. So I hope today was helpful.  

Leave me a comment down below, andcan't wait to see you soon. Thank you. Bye!