Thank you, teachers. Thank you times infinity.


[More than ever before, people are searching]

[how to teach from home] Four plus one is



[what is a mixed number] ...

[what is a mixed number] Erm, how many pints of iced tea are left in the pitcher?

[what is a synonym] Erm, how many pints of iced tea are left in the pitcher?

[what is a unit fraction] Erm, how many pints of iced tea are left in the pitcher?

[how to find value of x] ...

[how to find value of x] Timestenso, wait

Timestenso, wait


[how to engage children] ...

[how to engage children] Want to show us the continents on the

[how to engage children] - No

It is not going good. My mom is getting stressed out.

(speaks Hebrew) It's impossible!

[when will school return] ...

[when will school return] Momma's tired.

I, I'm, like



(sighs heavily)

[how to stay calm] ...

[how to stay calm] So, starting just quickly by breathing in

So, starting just quickly by breathing in

[when can we go back to school] ...

[when can we go back to school] I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss school!

[how do teachers do it] The teachers, I mean, y'all are gifted people!

I thank you so much for what you're doing.

Their investment into our children is beyond what we can even imagine.

[Thank you, teachers.] Appreciate all that you do.

[Thank you, teachers.] Appreciate all that you do.

[No really. Like, thank you times infinity.] Appreciate all that you do.

[No really. Like, thank you times infinity.]

[Were supporting teachers and families with tools and tips for teaching from home.]