English in 3 Minutes #3 - Asking about Hobbies


Welcome to EnglishClass101.com’s “English in Three Minutes”. The fastest, easiest,

and most fun way to learn English.

Hey everyone, Alisha here!

In this series, were going to learn some easy ways to ask and answer common questions

in English. It’s really useful, and it only takes three minutes!

In this lesson, youre going to learn how to ask what someone’s hobbies are - without

using the wordhobbies”!

Youve probably seen the question, “Do you have any hobbies?”, orWhat are your

hobbies?” in an English textbook before.

However, native English speakers almost never use the wordhobbieswhen asking about them!

A much more natural way to ask the same question is:

What do you do for fun?”

Let’s practice this question.

What do you do for fun?”

What do you do for fun?”

You can also ask:

What do you do in your free time?”

What do you do in your free time?”

So how would you answer this question? Let’s look at how native speakers would do it!

The easiest way is to say:

“I like to...” or just “I like...” followed by what you like to do.

For example, if you like watching movies, you could say:

“I like to watch movies.” or “I like watching movies.”

“I like to watch movies.” or “I like watching movies.”

And if you like golf, you could say:

“I like to play golfor “I like playing golf”.

“I like to play golfor “I like playing golf.”

You can emphasize how much you like your hobby by adding a word likereallyin front oflike”.

For example: “I really like watching movies.”

On the other hand, if you want to play down how much you like something, you can saykind of”.

For example: “I kind of like playing tennis.”

Now it’s time for Alisha’s Advice!

If you don’t have any special hobbies, or don’t want to be specific, a good way to

reply is: “I like hanging out with my friends, and stuff like that.”

“I like hanging out with my friends, and stuff like that.”

Just use “I like...”

and addhanging out with my friends”, and then add: “and stuff like that.”

How do you answer the question: Where you from? It doesn’t even have a verb! Well

cover this and more in the next English in 3 minutes lesson.

See you next time!