Pronunciation - Improve your pronunciation of English nouns


Okay, first I'm going to go to the doctors, then I'm going to see an operator, then...


I'm James.

I'm sorry.

I was just thinking.

I have a list of things I have to do, and I have to get them in the right order.

I'm usually a pretty good worker and I remember these things, but I'm having a difficult time

right now.

But that's going to be today's subject.

What subject?

Let's go to the board.

One of the best words you can learn in the English language is "her".

No, ladies, I'm not talking about your mothers or gentlemen, your girlfriends.


Specifically, this part of her.

The "er" sound is very, very prominent, or actually you find it a lot in the English

language, because usually what happens is we take a verb and we add the "er" to the

end of it, and what happens is you get this "er" sound.

Now, the word "her", which you learn with your pronouns, is easy because you learn "his"

and then you learn "her" or "hers", and from that you can actually put it on things like

"doctor", "operator", "computer".


Told you it'd be helpful.

So this "er" sound is something you might want to practice.

Let's do a word or two.


You might have noticed we took the verb, "work", and we added "er", "her" sound.

You could even practice by saying "worker".

Now, we don't want the "p" part, but we do want the "er", and if you could say "worker",

you'll start getting closer to "worker", a much more natural English sound.

What's another word you can use?

I don't know.

That's right.

You're probably watching me on your "computer", "er", not "computer", "er", "computer", "her".

Let's try another one.


I'm sick.

I need to see the...

Did you say "doctor"?


Hold on.

There's an "o" there.

Yes, there's an "o".

So when you say this word, you don't say "doctor", you say "doctor".

I told you, learn this word, it'll help you with many other words.

So it's "doctor".

Hey, have you ever had trouble with a "lawyer"?

Another word.

So even though we have "er"s here, sometimes it can be "or" or "ar".

Let's think about another sound we can work with.

We've got the "er" sound.

How about the "f" sound?

That's another difficult one for students.

So I'm going to give you a couple of... we call them tongue twisters, but words you can

say in a certain word that will help you.

You ready?


So we've done the "er" lesson.

Before I go, we have "or", "doctor", "er", "lawyer", "worker", and "computer", and they

all come from "her".

Now, if you've been with us for a while, we've already done the "th" lesson, but we never

really did get into "th" words and working on the sounds with the "th".

The first thing you want to do is... wait for it...

You'll scare your neighbors and your friends, but what I want you to know is your tongue

has to come out, and it has to come between your teeth.


So here's your tongue, here are your teeth, okay?

You must see the dentist, they're beautiful, okay?

So here's your mouth.

Your tongue has to go this way.

You want the "er" to go here and here.

Thank you.

So I'm going to tell you a little story, try to follow along, okay?

The brother and mother and father...

Oops, did I say "the" because I wanted to say "both".

Let's see another "th".

Brother, mother, father, "th" in the middle.

Both "th" in the end.

Well, we can't say "both", how about we say "they" went together to see the king.

The king had another problem because he had other visitors there.

He told them that they would have to go home.

They thought this was not all together what they planned, so they said that they would

have to come back later.

Got all of that?

You might have even noticed I made a slight change with the "th" sound, let's take a look.

Now I said the "th" sound and you might have noticed I said some words with the "th" in

the middle, some words with "th" at the end, and some with it at the beginning, but one

particular word, this word, sometimes I said "the" and sometimes I said "the".

Did you catch it?

The king said that they would have to come back later, so they took their car, well they

took the car home.

The king.

Now, sometimes when we change the "th" here and make it "the" with a big "e", we want

to talk about specific things.

Other times we just use the plain old "th" for "the", okay?

Now if you want to learn more on pronunciation and other lessons, please come to

What's that you say?

Too fast?

Well let me write it out.

I'll write out "the" thing on the board, okay, with the marker, and then practice what we

do, okay?

So, I want you to go to, there you will find the tools to help you with your

language skills.


With "th".

You like that?

Okay, I'm going to say goodbye, I will see you there, have a good day.
