Extra English 29 - Camping


this is the story of bridget and any who share a black in london

and the boys next door

and his friend hector from argentina

hector works for channel nine

any is getting jealous

bridget has seen it all before

and nick just wants to have fun

standby four extra


are all lower

doesn't want to end proper

five review edward


i've just been


practicing walt

i'm going to join

the experi x


accept it

so if any

since that time

uh... is


that's right


with its got

you three whether it's got

makes getting to doing

yes oh yes

all the best candidate

its best

it's okay

with a stop

pat ambassador outcropping exhibition

as often


gene we say size and color

and units

linked with this idea of the past and that was a response too

stick around

bucked the studio

so we can do

anti-yeltsin on the sleeping bags not connected both uh... england

meter absence dingbat textile

dal magna incentives that vision report

or can use a lot to reset the and

customer rates

can only anne don't be silly you've got nothing to worry about

hectic isn't dude looking man yet her and she is our good-looking woman



platform very very bad back right after i got it alright

hold on

bhakti red ten

what's so funny

you're you

here's scary

yes i did

packages indicted

chang to light fires


helping on anybody's across the road

time now


was that

i can't hear anything

who helped

leave may nineteen

good morning

have you being


forgot apple bs

along with their lives


started wearing his

indies the

clifford dot

yummy as well as the too

let's talk about



all night


all of this

gas walked

neat is training to be in the special accents

all right

i'm going to join in

the experiments

he thinks it's the same has been scanned


with these caps

factor has been working a lot to meet your needs recently


anti-yeltsin on sleeping bags not connected both

and she came in at work

fifteen in the morning

have you been

a few incident that's he said


value this is peace

you mourn him

acts started wearing you

indies the


who thought that hollywood's sentiments ollie north

you've got going to let you go home

so altogether

walter too


what do you think

of the units

seasoned in english writers

no hyde on things she decide to outline

noticing in english moms

and as sweet twenty go mike anne

old little ulysses note that should have put it together man

uses more ram

uh... argues that plant that dole's or other wars in england

addy sample

will come out


our evening

beauties is more like english ivy

twenty million

well she


she's already

you like it

i see trouble ahead


watson funny


it's yet

it's hectic

hectic came home late last night is that it

what's happening here let's don't worry about units she likes blessing axel

it is such a good luck

yet what i found



are still

people are acting


abroad dominated

thanks up others before her cell

patents doesn't

attacked okay

remember the band or any

how are you


what's what's left of it

what's all this that

it is

it that's it

backs mota salutes


is it said it

what do you think that that

but both sidles of nights

happens what's that

hence the steps

dr dot but

about bally's these kids

cases we haven't looked at

when my parents winning camping we sang songs any given back to use the good


visit the girls

in this gas we sent by

it was just slapping me and say yes

was making a

but that all of those but this fall

this one is the first day it

of what is secondary alternative egbert

testimony not what

hollow at

like if they cannot treat

slat evanston region

head anne

is called the kiss artwork or faults of bill

recycling into your mind


item please

that the the hopeful

and i feel like doing it

i kept waking hours

yes indeed gaslight

and pat's is my gut and

pfizer instead

okay thanks

also a rise in the scouts

by went correcting

sending week

with dates

was proper dampened survival

what like the s_a_s_ well

we had to leave off the land

it seems that they

citizen final test

yet it problem


we'll give you our supply health text


what the sense of the bible dates

is sick


that bad

credit your supplier testify

certainly have a problem

test and number one

it's wonderful useful of horrible things that prorate in court

here's some background or if really

unit of there

except the

group eunice all the way

the about all the


are all uh... carpool

patrol truoc hoop

lasting arm back to your world


who didn't have the right aspen let so you have to eight-point evaluate


on it and they are allot

it's bragging

for us




tests number great


starts the ect

sorry voice you have counts as a final test

but in the envelope

it's going to be the event

at what we were just a ten-day hot it wasn't really all

plus great


well what cannon

we have about a tent

deficit and someone else that can exhibition

ect val stanton exhibition


actually you actually needs will be doing and not that reports

and by tent expert

hall hookers

stuff don't work


hector must be careful

you need to talk to him

what do you think of the u_p_s_ auntie mame exit

meisje travel head

and bridget and anne

have been showing is what they did in the brownies

this date for example


backpacks the girls

not like the scouts

that's notices


is isn't it

itself didn't predict and i did the police the survivor test

reading the also bipartisan

so a m of testimony are badass trade of where use

or what

just turn the two

eat and commitment for dentists are borrowing

are testing on the three

object is going to get his attention national campaign extradition

and then we won't be and campaign

scenery amend com

in the envelope

that he's going to be different



and we elect aunty



i have an idea i must so you'll

to leave


above the f l of itself

gold usually copeland



last night

uh... varapa

accessed three-four throne of god

on bucket prop

that and

although that's not

belongs to the top

didn't are extract

at the same thing that i i don't think so right after our harding is unique


slightly above

what you pay

fought a couple of beers

and at times

what staff in your car


green paint snags

when only wakes up

c is going to be close with me

and she sees that only promise you will be

remained out in the unit


you arctic

when and it seems that


what the tanks

she is going to forgive me

actress clock in the morning

night shopping


it is ok chanting

is mean correct though

when she we put it



gang hopes or is he

guidance robes cold guide about

somewhat here

that's then

tied into the puja

that d_c_-eight times that's going to bed




i've put you up and play god


denied your bread


on would you like

deeds and it is

face and

and wonderful drained

we copied the make-up by

know what's in there

calabrese dan

it feels like antiques

the sand creek defeat

buried the


insists on walls

line blues i want i dont

trying to help you

it back in january

you got my accident re-elected

healthy guy

fourteen india

but you know friend like nineteen tumi our fax number

next time in extra

bridget gets a new job

hector receives a phone call from the lab

and any is looking for trouble it's not eunice it's no daddy

would it be do

the extra don't miss it