hey everyone welcome back to my channel this is Dori, I'm a teacher of English and

today we're going to talk about a question I get asked

a lot! On facebook, on YouTube on my website

you name it! So the question lots of you ask me is

The short answer is yes you can but

let's look at it a little bit further. First of all, this is the official

answer taken by the official British Council IELTS


So, you can write all capital letters in your answers in the separate answersheet no problem, if you wish you can do that

however if you choose to write in lower case letters

you should follow some rules for example

if you are about to write the name of a person or the name of a place

the first letter should be

capitalised for example John/ Europe

J and E are going to be in capital letters.So when do we have to use

a capital letter? Let's go and have a look at some rules

rules that they're going to the very helpful not only for your listening

but also for your reading answers and especially

your writing okay number one never never never use

a lower case with the personal pronoun

"I". "I" is always capitalised

no matter where it is located in the sentence for example

"how can I help you?" although it is in the middle of the sentence,

it is capitalised okay number 2

we use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence,

after a full stop or when we want to immitate

oral speech for example

"H" is capitalised because we begin a sentence, ok? Full stop.

"T" of "Therefore" is capitalised after a full stop.

Quotation marks: "This is great!"

So, we immitate the oral speech of the person who passed

the IELTS exam we used quotation marks, therefore the first letter

"This is great", "T" is capitalised

number three we use a capital letter for holidays

for the days of the week for months et cetera for example

Christmas it is a holiday, Sunday, Saturday

May, July the first letters are always capitalised

number 4 we use capital letters for

abbreviations for example USA


number five we use a capital letter for countries geographical regions

places, cities, towns, landmarks et cetera

for example Europe, Russia, the Eiffel Tower,

the river Thames, London

Milan, you name it. Number 6 we use a capital letter

people's names John Smith for example

J&S are both capitalised first name and surname

7 we use a capital letter for

nationalities Japanese, Irish, Canadian, Arabic

the first letter is always capitalised. Number 8

we use a capital letter for

religions for example Christianity, Budhism etc

Number 9 we use a capital letter when we refer to famous companies worldwide

famous for example Microsoft,

Apple, Hyundai etc

you get the idea. Number ten for titles or professions

for example, "Sir Harold Pinter",

"Sir" is capitalised, Dr. John Smith "D"

is capitalised, Professor Williams

"P" is capitalised. Last but not least, we also use capital letters

for titles or newspaper headings

for example titles of books, of songs of articles

and stuff like that for example

So, that's pretty much all you need to know


capital letters. I really hope it helps good luck with your exam!